Professor Seungjun Chung of the School of Electrical Engineering Wins 2024 Merck Young Scientist Award

관리자 2024.09.13 Views 26

▲(From left) Merck Award Winner Professor Jin-Seong Park of Hanyang University, Dr. Yong-Guk Yoon, Head of Merck Display Division Korea, and Merck Young Scientist Award Winner Professor Seungjun Chung of Korea University

In 2024, Professor Jin-Seong Park of Hanyang University was honored with the Merck Award, while Professor Seungjun Chung of Korea University received the Young Scientist Award. The Merck Award is a technical paper award established in 2004 at the IMID (International Meeting on Information Display) by the Korean Information Display Society to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Merck's liquid crystal research. The Young Scientist Award is especially significant, as it is given to outstanding researchers under the age of 40, adding to its prestige.

Professor Seungjun Chung is an expert in printed processing and stretchable platform technology for implementing free-form displays. He has significantly contributed to enhancing performance by developing low-temperature processes and interfacial control techniques for realizing displays on stretchable platforms. Notably, he has developed organic thin-film transistor fabrication technology with a channel length of less than 10 µm using a full inkjet printing process and reported interface control technologies that greatly improve electrical performance, thereby advancing flexible display technologies based on printed processes.

Professor Chung’s research achievements have been recognized multiple times for their excellence. Examples include the development of technologies that integrate mechanical metamaterials with stretchable substrate materials to overcome obstacles in implementing stretchable displays and the use of wiring materials that minimize resistance changes during stretching.

He has also published over 80 international academic papers in top journals in the display and semiconductor nanotechnology fields and consistently presents his research at international display conferences, widely showcasing his achievements globally.

Professor Chung said, "I am sincerely delighted and honored to receive the Young Scientist Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the display field," and added, "I will continue to work diligently to contribute to the advancement of Korea's display technology and play my part in realizing free-form displays."

