Professors Chang-Soo Han, Seokwoo Jeon, and Gilsoo Jang Achieve Remarkable Success with Selection for 2023 MSIT Leading Research and Leading Research Center Programs... Demonstrating Outstanding Capabilities (Summary)

관리자 2023.06.01 Views 36

▲ (From left) Professor Chang-Soo Han from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Seokwoo Jeon from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, and Professor Gilsoo Jang from the School of Electrical Engineering.


Korea University (President: Dong Won Kim) has achieved a remarkable feat by winning nearly half of the seven "Leading Research" projects and four of the 25 "Leading Research Centers" in the basic research program selected by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). Professor Chang-Soo Han from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Seokwoo Jeon from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering were selected for the "Leading Research" category. Meanwhile, an ERC center led by Professor Gilsoo Jang from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was selected for the "Leading Research Center" category, representing consecutive achievements for the College of Engineering (Dean: Haigun Lee).

On Thursday, the 15th, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced the selection of new projects for the 2023 basic research program, including Leading Research (7 projects), Leading Research Centers (25 centers), and the Sejong Science Fellowship overseas research program (50 projects). A total of 1,120 new projects were selected from 5,183 applications submitted following the November announcement, through overseas evaluations, discussion evaluations, and presentation evaluations, with a total research budget of 122.1 billion KRW to be provided for 2023.


▲ Overview of the Selection of New Projects for the 2023 Basic Research Program (Photo provided by the Ministry of Science and ICT)

The Leading Research program, which started in 1997, is designed to support the creative research of top-level individual researchers in Korea. Each project receives approximately 7.2 billion KRW in total research funding over the project's duration. This year, researchers in seven fields were selected: ▲Chemistry, ▲Basic Life Sciences, ▲Basic Medicine, ▲Mechanical Engineering, ▲Materials, ▲ICT, and ▲Convergence. From the College of Engineering, ▲Professor Chang-Soo Han (Mechanical Engineering / Molecular-Level Engineering of Somatosensory and Cognitive Systems) and ▲Professor Seokwoo Jeon (Materials Science and Engineering / Research Group for Superfluorescent Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Based on Graphene Quantum Dot Supramolecular Structures) were selected, demonstrating outstanding abilities.

▲ 2023 Leading Research Project Selection Results (Photo provided by the Ministry of Science and ICT)


Professor Chang-Soo Han's research project, "Molecular-Level Engineering of Somatosensory and Cognitive Systems," aims to develop artificial somatosensory systems and cognitive technologies with high similarity to the human body. Key research areas include: ▲Biomimetic research of six types of somatosensory mechanoreceptors, ▲Biomimetic research of artificial ion channels and nervous systems, ▲Multiscale 3D structure fabrication using hybrid manufacturing processes, ▲Cognitive system research using artificial somatosensory systems, and ▲Development of artificial somatosensory sensors and cognitive systems for industrial applications. The project aims to develop a new concept of artificial somatosensory systems similar to human senses and various application technologies using new sensor technologies, with the goal of leading the future tactile sensor market.

Under the Leading Research program, Professor Seokwoo Jeon's project titled "Research Group for Superfluorescent Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Based on Graphene Quantum Dot Supramolecular Structures" aims to achieve superfluorescence through supramolecular synthesis based on graphene quantum dots, enhance luminescent properties of graphene and 2D quantum dots through molecular structure control and development of new synthesis methods, and develop high-efficiency, high-stability blue LEDs based on graphene quantum dot luminescent layers. Key research areas include: ▲Implementation of superfluorescence through supramolecular synthesis based on 2D graphene quantum dots, ▲Molecular structure design achieving both organic-inorganic strengths, and ▲Synthesis of high-purity graphene quantum dots through oxidation control and separation methods. This research is expected to drive innovative advancements in the application of 2D quantum dots in optoelectronic devices and decrease the high dependence on luminous materials imported from countries such as Japan, the United States, and Germany.

The Ministry of Science and ICT expects that the basic research in fields such as Leading Research will not only create new knowledge but also secure foundational technologies, promote technology startups, and ultimately enhance the quality of life for the public.


▲ 2023 Second Half Leading Research Center Project Selection Results (Photo provided by the Ministry of Science and ICT)

The Leading Research Center program, a representative basic research support initiative promoted by the Ministry of Science and ICT since 1990, has supported a total of 434 Leading Research Centers over the past 30 years, with 150 centers currently in operation. Since 1990, the total budget allocated to support Leading Research Centers amounts to 2.9148 trillion KRW, which has led to the training and graduation of 42,000 master's and doctoral students who have spread across research institutes and companies, driving national economic growth.

Among six ERC (Engineering) projects, the "Resilient Autonomous Grid" Center, prepared by Professor Gilsoo Jang from the School of Electrical Engineering, was selected as a Leading Research Center project in the second half of the year. The center aims to develop and verify key technologies required for establishing a "Resilient Autonomous Grid (RAG)" for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The project will be carried out over seven years from June 2023 to February 2030, with a total budget of 20.01 billion KRW (government funding: 13.5 billion KRW + non-government funding: 6.51 billion KRW). The center consists of 12 professors from Korea University, Yonsei University, the Korea Institute of Energy Technology, Kangwon National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, and Kwangwoon University. Participating companies include Korea Electric Power Corporation, LS Electric Co., Ltd., Hyosung Corporation, and Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems Co., Ltd.

Key research areas include: ▲Situation awareness technology for autonomous grid operation as a core technology for a resilient autonomous grid (RAG), ▲Autonomous control technology for controllable resources, and ▲Technology development to ensure resilience against uncertainties, integrating the developed technologies to ensure the stability, reliability, and economic efficiency of the power grid even in uncertain situations.

Through this, the project aims to realistically achieve carbon neutrality in the power sector, solve climate and environmental problems, and create new jobs by actively utilizing new technologies such as artificial intelligence and autonomous control in the traditional power industry.

Professor Jang, who achieved the remarkable feat of being selected for the ERC Center, expressed his gratitude, stating, "I would like to thank the professors who have contributed to the growth of the power program at Korea University and all those who have greatly assisted in the preparation of the ERC. It is particularly meaningful as it has been a long time since we were selected for an ERC in the power sector, and I feel a great sense of responsibility. I am happy as it feels like a gift from my recently deceased father, and I thank him." He continued, "Having received a lot of help from Korea University and society over the past 23 years, I will devote myself to developing new technologies in the power field for carbon neutrality over the next seven years with the excellent researchers at the center, aiming to contribute to humanity. I also want to play a leading role as a Leading Research Center in coordinating and leading research from various institutions for the stable operation of complex and highly uncertain power systems based on volatile renewable energy sources."

This achievement has highlighted the exceptional research capabilities of the College of Engineering at Korea University. There is significant anticipation from various sectors regarding the college's potential contributions to national industrial development through future research achievements. /College of Engineering Newspaper
