Hyun-Su Lee, Ph.D. Student from the School of Electrical Engineering at Korea University, Selected as IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Pre-Doctoral Grant Recipient

관리자 2023.06.01 Views 34

▲ Hyun-Su Lee, a Ph.D. student in the School of Electrical Engineering at Korea University
(advisor: Professor Hyung-Min Lee), has been selected as a recipient of the Pre-Doctoral Grant from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) conference. (Photo provided by BASIC Lab)

Hyun-Su Lee, a Ph.D. student in Professor Hyung-Min Lee’s research lab (BASIC Lab) at the School of Electrical Engineering, the College of Engineering, Korea University (Dean: Haigun Lee), was announced as a recipient of the Pre-Doctoral Grant from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) conference held on May 21 in Monterey, California, USA.

This grant is awarded to Ph.D. students in the field of circuit and system design who have outstanding research achievements and show great potential for future contributions. This year, only two students worldwide, including Hyun-Su Lee, were selected as recipients of the Pre-Doctoral Grant. The recipients received a $2,500 grant and a certificate.


▲  Hyun-Su Lee, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (advisor: Professor Hyung-Min Lee, BASIC Lab), was selected as a recipient of the Pre-Doctoral Grant from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS).
The photo shows the certificate awarded to Hyun-Su Lee. (Photo provided by BASIC Lab)

Regarding this recognition, Hyun-Su Lee expressed, “There were many hardships during my master's and Ph.D. studies, but I believe I was able to receive this award because I believed in myself and persevered until the end. I will not be satisfied with this award and will strive to become a better researcher who significantly contributes to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and South Korea.”

He continued, “I want to express my gratitude to Professor Hyung-Min Lee, who guided me to this point, and to my fellow researchers at BASIC Lab who provided great help,” sharing his heartfelt thanks.

Advisor Professor Hyung-Min Lee responded, “Hyun-Su Lee has achieved good results through various research projects during his Ph.D. studies, including wireless power transfer, data communication, and power conversion circuits. I believe his hard work led to this great outcome. I am just grateful for his dedicated and proactive research efforts.”

Meanwhile, the BASIC Lab led by Professor Hyung-Min Lee, where Hyun-Su Lee is affiliated, conducts extensive research ranging from analog/mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) design to emerging microsystem applications. The lab focuses particularly on miniaturized low-power high-performance IC solutions needed for biomedical/sensor/power/display/neuromorphic systems for efficient and effective sensing, processing, interfacing, and power supply. Recently, the lab has gained attention as a contributor to the development of domestic and international industries due to the outstanding achievements of its students. /College of Engineering Newspaper


[Go to Professor Hyung-Min Lee’s Research Lab (BASIC Lab) in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering] (Click to visit)
