Jin Ho Kim, Master`s Student from the School of Electrical Engineering, Achieves 2nd Place at the U.S. Smart Structures Conference

관리자 2024.04.02 Views 40

▲ Award Recipient: Jin Ho Kim (Master's in the School of Electrical Engineering, Advisor: Professor Youngsu Cha)

Jin Ho Kim, a Master's student in the School of Electrical Engineering, presented a paper titled "Biomimetic Quadrupedal Soft Robot Using an Origami Cylinder Actuator" at the 'SPIE Smart Structures + NDE' conference held from March 25 to 28 in Long Beach, USA. He was awarded the second place in the Craig F. Bohren Best Student Presentation Award.

The conference focuses on smart structures, primarily discussing new types of actuators, sensors, and their applications. Jin Ho Kim presented a quadrupedal walking robot designed with a novel structure inspired by animals, earning the second place among the three awarded recipients.

Jin Ho Kim stated, "I am honored to receive such a prestigious award at my first international conference. I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor and fellow researchers for their tremendous support in preparing for this presentation."

For more information about the award, visit :
